Our Family

Our Family
December 2013

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Aiden's 5 Year Doctor Visit

Monday morning we had to take Aiden to the doctor for his 5 year well visit.  I have been dreading this visit since the last time we were there and they informed me that the 5 yr visit was tough because it came with shots, lots of shots.

Patrick and I went back and forth over and over...should we tell him they're coming, or let it be a surprise and blame it on the doctor and nurse?  In the end we decided that it was probably best to not tell him that the shots were coming.  If he knew, most likely, we would not be able to get him back to the examination room and this is our child we're talking about so he'd have major anxiety leading up to that day.

Overall he did an awesome job! He passed his hearing test and his vision test was 20/30 on both sides.  He's getting big and strong, just like we knew he was!

Weight: 49 lbs (91st percentile)
Height: 45.08 inches (90th percentile)
Height to Weight ratio: 86th percentile

Our big, brave boy
And as for those darn shots...thank goodness one of them was combined so he ended up having to get 3 instead of 4.  He kept asking if we could leave after the doctor went out of the room so I did tell him that I thought he had to get at least one shot and we were waiting for the nurse to come in.  He started to panic.  Oops! See, we made the right decision in not telling him ahead of time.  We got him to calm down and he took the first one pretty well.  The second one must have hurt because that's when things got tough. Luckily she got the third one done quickly and we were all set.  It took Aiden a few minutes to pull himself together after those shots, but thankfully Aunt Kelly had taken the kids up to the mall and our doctor is very close to the mall.  I promised Aiden that when he was ready we'd meet Hunter (and everyone else, but to Aiden, Hunter is all that counts) for lunch.  That was all it took, he wiped the tears away and off we went!

And who can go to the mall for lunch without a little shopping?!  Hunter had gotten some really cool looking shoes so of course Aiden needed to have a pair too!

Since Emma was along for the ride she got to pick out some pretty new sunglasses while we were out shopping too.

I am SO glad that visit is over with and that it went better than we expected! Shew!!

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