Our oldest daughter and middle child, Emma, just turned 4 on May 5. 4. I can't believe it! Although most days it seems like she's a 16 yr old so I'll take that she's really only 4. I'll try some day soon (Hopefully?) to write about her birthday party {Princess Sofia}.
For now I have the questions that I ask the kids every year. It was fun to see how some answers changed from last year and how some stayed the same.
Questions with a 4 yr old Emma
What are you going to be when you
grow up? A doctor {Thank you Doc McStuffins!}
What is Aiden going to be when he
grows up? A robber {Geez, I hope not!} Aubrey? I don’t know. Well she should
be a princess if she was big.
How old is Mommy? Uhhhh, 16!
How old is Daddy? Uh, 61?
What is your favorite place to
go? Yogi Bear’s! {A campground}
What's your favorite thing to do
with Mommy? Watch movies with you
What's your favorite thing to do
with Daddy? Play games with him
What is Mommy's job? Uhhh,
buying stuff?? {My husband thought this was really funny and perfect!}
And Daddy's? I don’t know.
Dada what job do you have?
What is your favorite
toy? The princess one. The princess castle.
What is something Mommy always says
to you? I love you!
What makes Mommy happy? When
I don’t step on your toe
Who is your best friend? Aiden
How do you know Mommy and Daddy love
you? Because you love me.
What does Mommy do if you're not
around? Watch tv
What is Mommy really good
at? Putting stuff together
What is Mommy really bad
at? Fixing lights you’re bad at
What is Daddy really good
at? Putting stuff together too
What is Daddy really bad
at? Breaking glass
What is your favorite food? Hot
dogs!!! {And that's because the poor girl only gets them when we're camping or at birthday parties}
What's your favorite thing to do
outside? Ride my trike!
What is your favorite thing to do
with Aiden? Play Minecraft Aubrey? Play with her
What are you scared of? Spiders
Who is the funniest person you
know? Gigi when she tickles me
Who's the best dancer that you
know? Mommy because you’re a great friend
26. What is your favorite
color? Pink and purple
27. What is your favorite tv
show? Princess Sofia
28. What's your favorite thing
to eat for lunch? A cheese sandwich
29. What's your favorite game?
30. What is your favorite
snack? Cheese string
31. What is your favorite
animal? A baby chick
32. What is your favorite
song? This is the Best Day of my Life by American Authors
33. What is your favorite
book? I am Not Going to School {This is not her favorite, it's just one we just checked out at the library and it was on her mind. We've only read it once!}
34. What is your favorite
holiday? Halloween!
35. What is your favorite
drink? Pink Lemonade
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