Our Family

Our Family
December 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tall Pines Camping

Every year in April a couple couples (and cousins of mine) and their families get together and we head down to Tall Pines Campground in VA for a long weekend of camping.  It's usually a little chilly, sometimes rainy trip, but we always have a great time! This year was no different.

We headed down as early as we could on Thursday because it was a beautiful, warm day and we wanted to spend as much time as we could there while we had nice weather! I'm so glad we did because Friday was our rainy day.  Like I said, there is usually a day where it's rainy.  Thankfully by mid-day Friday the sun was out and it really warmed up! There was already a little mud there when we arrived. Well after Friday, it was Mud-dy, especially in between our camper and Kelly & Ron's camper.  This trip we actually had to encourage our kids to play in the road because that was the only place that didn't have mud!  Then there was when we discovered that Aiden had taken the opportunity to write his name on the picnic table that went with our site.  That boy!
 And? It's not always easy to go camping with a baby. Sometimes it's just to chilly for them to be outside and then when it's not, you worry about them being out in the sun too long. And then there's the naps that they have to take so they aren't extremely mean the rest of the day. Those naps don't always make it easy to do what you want and it's tough when they are crawling and you don't really want them down crawling on the ground outside.  However, it all worked out and everyone seemed to be happy.
 And Emma?  She is fabulous.  One of her favorite songs is, "This Girl is on Fire" by Alicia Keys.  She will rock this song.  Here she is one day after lunch putting on a concert for me, on her stage.  She also told me while we were at the park one day that she's going to be a singing star.  You know what? I believe her!

One of the best parts about this camping trip? The snacks!! Emma loves her snacks! She's just like her mommy!
 Here's the kids entertaining themselves in the road again!
 There's also cornhold tournaments...
There's also lots of snuggles with the baby that can't get down and crawl around in the mud...

 And children who are way beyond exhausted...
And there's always a kid asking when we can go back up to the playground. Thank goodness Ronnie was old enough this year and we were close enough this time that he could take the bigger kids up there for a little bit.
There's always a pig roast on Saturday and a "concert" or "hoedown" as we call it that night.  Here you take your cooler and listen to the band and let the kids have a great time.  Aiden hates it.  He's not quite into the public dancing (also like his mommy) and he's ready to go as soon as we get there. The other kids usually have a great time though and this year? Emma had her first slow dance with Hunter and it was his idea.  He's such a sweetie and you could just see the hearts in her eyes. <3
And before we could check out on Sunday we had to go down to the beach and take our annual kids picture on the beach.  They are usually pretty funny because without fail someone just won't work with us.  This year, all the kids actually behaved themselves, but the sun was so bright in their eyes that it was hard to look at the camera and smile!  Here's some of the ones I got...
And after we tortured them with the group photos, they went off to play for a little while...
Then it was back to home sweet home. And the giant pile of laundry!

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