Our Family

Our Family
December 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy 6 Months!!

Wow! Today marks the day that we have had Aubrey in our lives for 6 months...half of a year...and? It just does not seem possible that she is that big already!!

Dear Aubrey,

You are such a joy and have been the perfect addition to our family.  The kids love you more than I can even explain.  In the morning when Emma comes into our room and everyone else is already in there she only says, "Good morning, Baby Aubrey", the rest of us she couldn't care less about at that time.

You are doing so much now! You're "talking" up a storm.  {You may have seen the video of her here talking to herself.}  I wish I knew what you were saying.  Last night, you were telling some serious stories and you were pretty loud about it too.  :-) You are a pro at rolling over and sometimes use that to get around. You also push yourself backwards and spin in circles trying to get to all kinds of things.  That moving backwards thing gives you some trouble sometimes. You'll get yourself pushed to where something is stuck between your legs and you can't go any farther.  You are not a fan of when that happens!  You love your jumperoo! You'll bounce in that thing for a long time!

Sleep during the day hasn't been that great lately.  The swing used to be where you'd sleep for a long time during the morning and afternoon. But? Your chunky booty is getting too heavy and the swing won't quite swing like it once did meaning you don't sleep there.  We've had to just start laying you in the pack and play in the living room for naptime and while you will put yourself to sleep most of the time {Woot! Woot!}, you only stay asleep for about 20 minutes.  Sweet girl, you need more than 20 minutes of sleep during the day.  You may be getting bigger, but you're not that big yet! Thank goodness at night you are still an awesome sleeper.  You're still in our room.  I know I need to move you out soon, but I just don't feel ready yet. We still swaddle you up because I swear keeping your arms down helps you to sleep longer.  Maybe some day soon we'll see how you do without being swaddle but why mess with it if swaddling seems to be working??
Currently you'll fall asleep around 7:30-8 and sleep until about 6:30.  Sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night to tell us something but after you're done talking you'll go back to sleep.

Here's some other info about you right now:  Clothes: 6 months, though 9 months isn't too big on you, diapers-moving up to size 3 today, Feedings-we're trying something new right now to wean you off so much cereal in your bottles since you don't spit up as much now that you're getting older. You usually get 6 ozs in the morning, before bed and in the afternoon. You also eat a stage 1 fruit and cereal mid morning and then a half a stage 1 veggie at dinner, along with 4 oz of formula.  I feel like we're constantly feeding you, but you seem full and happy. :-)

Here's a couple pictures of our big girl!
Look at that little attitude! 

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog via one of those "wordless wednesday" linkys. This gal is ADORABLE and i love the 1/2 cake idea. Wish I thought of that. Mine's 9 months now. Oh well. Next kid :)
